Information for Patients
This Trial will look at how providing care at home, sometimes called Hospital at Home, compares with admission to hospital. We will assess how well providing acute care in the home works by looking at patients' health, the experiences of both the people we recruit and the people who take care of them for example their next of kin or a carer, and the costs of the service.
What will happen to me if I take part?
- We will ask you to sign a consent form to confirm you want to take part and you will take this information sheet home with you.
- We will ask you some basic questions about yourself.
- You have a 2 in 3 chance of receiving healthcare in Hospital at Home and a 1 in 3 chance of being admitted to hospital.
- We will ask you questions about the healthcare and other help you receive.
- We will also ask you about how easily you find moving around, your daily activities, if you have felt confused or had difficulty remembering things and if you have had any pain or discomfort.
- We will visit you 3 days after you join the trial, then also at 5 days, 1 month, 6 months and 12 months to see how you are and to complete some questionnaires with the help of one of our nurses.
- We would like to see your health and care records.
You are free to withdraw at any time and for any reason, without it affecting your future care.
If you do not want to take part in the trial we will ask if we can look at your medical records to obtain details of your health condition; you do not have to agree to do this.